Workplace Recycling Resources Order Form

Make recycling easy at your workplace with free recycling collection boxes and instructional signs. In partnership with City of Vancouver, Waste Connections, and regional Solid Waste partners, we offer small and large recycling collection boxes, stickers, posters, and signs.


Deskside Recycling Box

deskside recycling box
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Central Collection Box

central collection box
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Food Waste Collection Bucket

4 gallon food waste bucket

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Recycling Poster

recycling poster
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Food Waste Poster

food waste poster
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Glass Recycling Poster

glass poster

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Garbage Poster

commercial recycling poster with English and Spanish

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Enclosure Sign

enclosure sign
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Enclosure Sign w/ Food Waste

enclosure food waste sign
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General Recycling Decal

recycle decal
Please include numbers only

Glass Recycling Decal

glass decal

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Please include numbers only

Mixed Recycling Decal

commercial decal
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Food Waste Decal

food waste decal
Please include numbers only

Garbage Decal

garbage decal
Please include numbers only

Recycle Decal

recycle decal
Please include numbers only

Private Container Decal

private container decal
Please include numbers only


Recycling Done Right Commercial Recycling Guide


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Please include numbers only
Please include numbers only
Please include numbers only
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Food Waste Guide


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Please retype your email address
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Please make sure you've checked the Security box
Please provide your phone number
Please provide your address
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