By on Thursday, 27 May 2021
Category: News

New Paint Recycling Program for Businesses

*Drumroll, Please* A new paint recycling program is available for businesses in Washington state! A nonprofit called PaintCare, invites all businesses to dispose of leftover latex paints, stains, and varnishes for a small fee at nearby retail stores and solid waste facilities. Businesses may dispose of oil-based paint if they are a small quantity generator. PaintCare was developed to aid Washington state's paint stewardship laws. Read on to learn more about what's accepted, how the program is funded, and where to find drop-off sites.

What is a paint stewardship law and who does this apply to?

In 2019, Washington's paint stewardship law (SHB 1652) was passed. This law places the responsibility for proper paint disposal on the paint producers. The PaintCare fee will be applied at checkout to anyone purchasing new paint products.

What paint products are accepted?

To be recycled, leftover paint must remain in its original container with its original manufacturer's label. Only paint in closed, non-leaking 5-gallon containers or smaller is accepted. See the image below for a list of acceptable and not acceptable products. 

How is PaintCare funded?

The PaintCare fee will be applied at checkout to paint in 5-gallon containers or less and will fund the collection program. The PaintCare fee funds the collection, transportation, processing, and public education surrounding the paint recycling program. The fee varies depending on container size:

Drop-off sites in Clark County

There are many Clark County drop-off sites. Check out this interactive map or the list below. We recommend calling in advance and confirming the quantity and type of paint accepted.

Businesses may request a free pickup if they have over 100 gallons of paint for recycling. To put in a request, see here.

PaintCare wants to put your returned paint to good use. Some paint is given away to be used by someone new or recycled into a different product. Only latex-based paint can remain as paint and be remixed into recycled paint products by processors. If your business is interested in becoming a drop-off site, see here