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Training Series: Emissions Accounting How-Tos

As a business committed to sustainability, it can be easy to create goals to help mitigate your environmental impact, but it is often challenging to measure the impact of those efforts through emissions accounting. That's where comprehensive training opportunities can help. In this blog post, we'll explore the various training resources available to businesses keen on enhancing their sustainability efforts by learning the basics of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting. Whether you're a seasoned sustainability professional or just embarking on your organization's green journey, these resources aim to provide valuable insights and trainings to help you manage your environmental impact effectively.

Software for measuring emissions:

Sustainability Indicator Management and Analysis Platform (SIMAP)

  • SIMAP is a carbon and nitrogen accounting platform that can track, analyze and improve your campus-wide sustainability.

Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy use in Technologies life cycle analysis (GREET)

  • GREET is a tool that assesses a range of life cycle energy, emissions and environmental impact challenges. It can be used to guide decision-making, research and development, and regulations related to transportation and the energy sector.

EPA's Simplified GHG Emissions Calculated

  • The EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator is designed as a simplified calculation tool to help small business and low emitter organizations estimate and inventory their annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Protocol

  • GHG Protocol establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage GHG emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains and mitigation actions.

Water Footprint Network

  • The Water Footprint assessment tool is a free web app offering insights into human water usage and its impacts. It helps various entities calculate and analyze their water footprint, promoting sustainability and identifying actions for more efficient and equitable water use.

Clark PUD

  • Clark PUD helps business's calculate energy use and learn tips for how to reduce usage. They also offer incentive programs for local businesses upgrading to more efficient lighting, technology and equipment.

Trainings for measuring emissions and using tools:

US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's training on the GREET model

  • In this recorded webinar, Dr. Amgad Elgowainy shows participants how to use the GREET tool to characterize emissions of hydrogen production and use.

SIMAP Programs

  • SIMAP offers several certificate programs to help your business, including programs on Introduction to Carbon Footprinting, Calculating Your Scope 3 Carbon Footprint and more.

Clark County Green Business and Waste Connections of Washington are also available to conduct waste evaluations which will assist with waste environmental accounting. Contact us to learn more!

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