By Sarah Keirns on Thursday, 26 April 2018
Category: Biz spotlights

Green Biz Spotlight: The Mighty Bowl

When The Mighty Bowl's food truck became a certified Green Business in 2012, the owner Steve Valenta had not pictured the business becoming a brick and mortar restaurant in downtown Vancouver where it sits today. Transitioning from a green food truck to a green restaurant was difficult, but they pulled it off.

"It's a no-brainer," said Valenta, referring to being green at the Green Business Morning Blend they hosted last month. Zero waste has always been a goal for Valenta's team, and they work hard to reduce their waste every day. From having reusable dishware to composting food waste, The Mighty Bowl stands out from other restaurants.

The Mighty Bowl runs a fast operation, but they stand far apart from fast food. The food is healthy, filling, good for the planet, and plants are the main focus throughout, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Moving forward, The Mighty Bowl is looking for opportunities for food donation and feeding animals, because feeding people and livestock is better for society than just composting.

Overall, The Mighty Bowl demonstrates that good business does not need to be sacrificed for the Earth; it just takes a little more effort. They take pride in being a Green Business and are always searching for ways to improve and keep their customers happy.

The Mighty Bowl