Biz Spotlights

1 minute reading time (242 words)

Green Business Spotlight: Navigate Law Group

Navigate received their Green Biz certification in 2016.

Navigate Law Group certified as a Green Business in 2016. Over the years they have continued to expand their green practices, and they are a nominee for a 2020 Green Award in the small business category. 

The attorneys at Navigate practice a broad range of legal services. They participate in the Clark County Volunteer Lawyer program, to offer free legal assistance for low-income members of our community in civil cases like those related to family law, domestic violence, debt and bankruptcy and disability issues. 

Around the office, Navigate considers sustainability in every decision, from ordering supplies (in bulk to cut down on packaging) to managing documents (electronically, when possible). They purchase used office furniture and reuse folders and binders. Reducing the use of disposable dining ware and switching to ceramic plates and silverware significantly cut down on waste. The group conserves water and energy through using water-saving fixtures in restrooms, having a programmable thermostat and turning off lights that aren't in use. Navigate Law Group employees also clean up litter around their office location to prevent stormwater pollution. 

Navigate makes a big difference through many actions inside and out of the office, and demonstrates a commitment to sustainable business practices in our community. 

Attorneys at Navigate host free legal events at the Vancouver Community Library.
Green Businesses Making a Difference
The annual WasteBusters competition is here