By Sarah Keirns on Tuesday, 04 February 2020
Category: News

The annual WasteBusters competition is here

Looking for a way to engage your employees or coworkers with sustainability while having fun, learning a bunch and winning awesome prizes?

Look no further: the annual WasteBusters competition is beginning soon!

WasteBusters is an annual waste-reduction competition for organizations and individuals in Clark County hosted by the Green Neighbors program. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in this year's WasteBusters challenge by choosing a pledge to cut back on waste. Organizations are encouraged to form groups or sign up individuals, committing to reduce waste and foster sustainable habits for the 20-day challenge running from Feb. 28-March 18. Great prizes up for grabs include an indoor smart garden, Instant Pot and more.

This year, you can choose from these three pledges:

Create a WasteBusters Team

Unify your business or organization by teaming up to take on the WasteBusters challenge together. This year, the top groups/businesses will be entered into a separate drawing to win bonus prizes! All group members are still eligible to win the grand prize in addition to group prizes. The more coworkers and friends that join your group, the larger the impact you will have on creating less waste. To up the stakes, create incentives within your organization to encourage coworkers to bust waste. For example, you could award a prize to the top point-earner in your group! Be creative and have fun! Additionally all Clark County Businesses who register groups for this year's challenge will be featured on the WasteBusters website.

First, pick your pledge and register for the WasteBusters Challenge. You will receive a reminder email when the time comes to officially begin the challenge on Febuary 28 2020! Watch for posts from the WasteBusters team page on the Challenge Dashboard. Throughout the challenge, we will prompt you on how to reduce waste and earn points. Make sure to check in periodically to share your progress and learn new ways to bust waste!

Our challenges are designed to give you a variety of options and challenge levels. We've kept the general criteria simple, but you can adjust it to be as challenging as you desire. Whether you're just starting to think about waste issues or you've been living a highly conscious lifestyle already, there is always room for improvement.

Please join us for great food, motivating speakers and amazing prizes at our FREE kick-off event at 6 pm Friday, Feb. 28 in the Columbia Room of the Vancouver Community Library, 901 C St., Vancouver.

We hope to see you there!